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Ανάληψη ευθύνης για μπαράζ εμπρησμών στη Θεσ/νίκη (26/8)

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μεταφρασμένη ανάληψη ευθύνης στα αγγλικά

Urban centers are the points were everything moves continuosly in the same monotonous and exhausting way. The places were everyone can find a change to rise higher or to sink. There where all remain the same following the stereotypes of this society, there where the only progress that is aimed is the financial (and the social).

Daily-life is chopped with total accuracy, it ιs split in parts which within the individual needs to follow up to with absolute succes. From the 8-hour long shift of the school into this of work and from this to the 8-hour long shift of the house-holder and the housewife. The social roles come to fill the gap of the unsupportable emptiness of human existence in capitalism and to give to the individual a specific position in the system with the hope that it can transform or get better.

The individual from its birth is familiar with living and moving in areas where always all of them are surveilled. From the shopping centers, the factories, the banks, the schools, the offices till our own houses our lifes are imprisoned. Courtyards in school, escaping to parks, the meaningless excursions that aim only to consumption and therefore remain the same productive for the system (football grounds, cinemas, theatres, shopping therapy, shops) is the one side of the coin of life in capitalism. The other side though, is nothing else than institutionalising in buildings with metal fences under exhausting shifts with managers, snitches and bosses there where two eyes will control every move of yours and will punish you when you derail out of the limits of the permitted.
This is where cameras are enlisted, the watchful eyes of the guards, the lawful order with, the uniformed or not, cops that will expul any non-ordinary behaviour and any refusal for the will of normality. In these same frames, the system itself creates the forgotten ones and drives them to infringement naming them criminals. Inside this system, like inside any organised system, a revearsable force comes up equally powerful which works unstoppably on its destruction. This force is parted by individualities and groups which with word and action, with difussion and progress, organise, plan and conspire for the fall of society-prison creating embanks of freedom for the enslaved space and time. On this struggle, they can come across with its worst form, the confinement in correction institutions and the restriction of every future offensive move, abstracted from the continuous fermentation that takes place in the darkest areas of the fabric of society.
Charged, not for their ideas, but for the destructive actualisation of them, from participating in insurrectional events, occupations, night arsons, sabotage actions, robberies, armed attacks, till anything else the revolutionary mind has "come up to" and will "come up to", they pay the price of their choices based on the values of the mighty morality.

The last years some comrades have been locked up because they chose the refusal of labor as another station on their revolutionary route and as a way of liberating space and time in order to use it as they wish. Far away from any logic of getting rich, the armed appropriations of capital accumulation spaces were and are actual refusals to the world of economy, as long as they dont become ends in themselves.

For one to refuse labor doesn't mean that getting liberated from the sum of coercions and social burdens, neither of course that he getting rid of the sovereign relations of commerce and spectacle. On the other hand many comrades are forced into the production progress, but insist to think and to move through refusals from the inside (cheating, sabotaging, appropriating) and from the outside.

We claim responsibility and dedicate:

The arson of the vehicle of the municipal police in Neapoli, Thessaloniki to comrade Ilias Nikolaou who is pre-trial imprisoned, charged with a similar action.

The arson of the vehicle of Alumil company (owned by Mylonas) to comrade Polykarpos Georgiadis who is pre-trial imprisoned, charged of kidnapping the above-mentioned industry owner.

The arson of the house of an ex prison director that until today, after his death, his family has put a sign outside that shows that not only they are not embarassed but also they are proud for the "services offered" by the above-mentioned. Also the attempted arson of the offices of the construction company Avax, which among others has collaborated with the justice ministry for building projects of correction institutions, to all prisoners who behind bars fight and stand with dignity.

P.S. The insurrection (December) after its sweeping charge, left behind fighters that standarised their rage and prisoners. All who continue undiminishingly the revolutionary war refuse to fetishise or to depreciate certain means and recognise as a neccesity the many different forms of the anarchist struggle. On the other side, Th. Iliopoulos is imprisoned using a powerful fighting mean, hunger strike, in order to assert his release. However, he refused the violent expression of the insurrection as well as the hatred that its carriers brought to the surface and bring towards the policies.

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